Southport Dog Training

January 2025

We have several new options starting in January that we are super excited about.

All training classes meet for four weeks on your selected class day and time.

Obedience 101 and 102 price $350

Puppy Class price $300

Obedience 101 Mondays starting January 13th 5pm-7pm

Obedience 101 Tuesdays starting January 14th 10am-Noon

Obedience 101 Wednesdays starting Jan 15th 10am - Noon

Puppy Class Wed 4pm - 6pm (FULL) looking at a second class if we get enough interest.

New Classes:

Obedience 102 starting Jan 16th 10am - Noon

This class will continue training from 101, will focus on attention, holding stays for longer, focused heeling, stronger distractions and recall.

Canine Good Citizens Training and TEST

This is a two week class that will focus on CGC training and the test will be given second part of last class.

First Class Tuesday January 21st 6pm - 7:30

Second Class and Test January 28th 6pm - 7:30

$150 for class and test.

If you are interested or have questions about any of these classes email us at

Dog Parks and Beer Gardens Open every Saturday and Sunday Noon-6pm, Great socialization for dogs and humans. Tv, Music, Beer, Wine and Non-alcoholic beverages.

If you have any questions about available training or classes,

Call 910-880-4932 or email

  • Looking to enhance your pup's skills and behavior? Discover how our program can make a positive change.

  • Explore the world of dog training with our interactive classes focused on building a stronger bond between you and your furry friend.

  • One on one training, a program developed for you and your dog to target specific concerns.

  • Separate parks for small and large dogs, both with interactive activities for our guest and picnic tables for the humans to hangout and enjoy their company.

Hey there! 🐾 We are looking forward to seeing you soon for either a productive training session or a fun and relaxing day at the dog parks. Get ready for some tail-wagging good times ahead! See you soon!